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Search Term(s): Tsuga canadensis   (1 record found)

Pine Family
Tsuga canadensis  (Eastern hemlock)   
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Carex Section
Meaning of Scientific Name
Tsuga: from the Japanese name for hemlock; canadensis: of or from Canada and North America
Native Plant
Life Form
Perennial Tree
Phenology (Flowering Period)
Physiographic Province
☑ Piedmont
☑ Coastal Plain

County Distribution
☑ New Castle
☐ Kent
☐ Sussex

Steep north and east facing wooded slopes in cool ravines; also known to naturalize and appear native in the Piedmont
State Status
Piedmont Status
Coastal Plain Status
Global Rank
Federal Status
Geographic Affinity
Species at Limit of Distribution
☐ Northern
☐ Southern

North American Distribution (Non-indigenous Species)
Coefficient of Conservatism
Invasive Watchlist
Global Origin (Non-native Species)
Wildlife Values
Wetland Indicator Status
Medicinal Properties
Parts used: Bark, Volatile Oil. Bark internally used as tea for inflammations of gastrointestinal tract, especially with minor bleeding. Topically used as a gargle for mouth and throat inflammation, as a wash for skin inflammations and wounds, and a wash or sitz bath to treat leukorrhea and vulvovaginitis. Volatile oil is used as inhalation therapy for upper respiratory inflammation, like the common cold and other conditions with excess thick mucus.
ID Notes
Additional Info
Natural distribution ranges from the north, south to the Delmarva Paninsula (Caroline and Talbot Co.'s, Maryland), then south in the Piedmont and Mountains to Georgia. This species is frequently planted as an ornamental and is known to escape to woodlands, so native populations are difficult to confirm. Native populations in the Piedmont of Delaware are thought to be historical (1880 and 1888 are the last years of collection from the Red Clay Valley).
Habitats in which this plant occurs
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