Andrew Homsey and Martha Narvaez with Delaware_DNREC_Secretary_Shawn_Garvin_and_PADEP_Secretary Patrick McDonnell, May 3, 2018

Andrew Homsey and Martha Narvaez with Delaware DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin and PADEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell, May 3, 2018

Our goal is to sharpen the focus of our public service and provide water policy assistance to governments in Delaware, New Castle County, Wilmington, and Newark. This public service role is significant to the mission of the Biden School of Public Policy & Administration the University of Delaware’s public policy school. UDWRC receives support from governments to provide water-resources assistance to the public with regard to water supply, water quality, and watershed planning and management.

Our public service areas include a regional, intergovernmental approach for water management since watersheds and aquifers cross many political jurisdictions.  The University of Delaware Water Resource Center is involved in collaborative watershed-based programs throughout the state of Delaware and the Mid-Atlantic region.  Please learn more about our public service role in protecting and preserving Delaware’s waters.

Photo of 2016 AWRA Mid-Atlantic Conference Committee Members

UDWRC staff and students take leadership roles in the following organizations and programs.